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Image by Vincent van Zalinge

Ecology Services

We recognise that each project and client has different needs.  We tailor our services on a case-by-case basis to ensure you have the appropriate information to deliver a project and comply with all relevant legislation.  Below are some of the other services we provide:


“BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method)  is the world’s leading sustainability assessment method for master planning projects, infrastructure and buildings. It addresses a number of lifecycle stages such as New Construction, Refurbishment and In-Use.”

BREEAM measures sustainable value in a series of categories, ranging from energy to ecology. Each of these categories addresses the most influential factors, including low impact design and carbon emissions reduction; design durability and resilience; adaption to climate change; and ecological value and biodiversity protection.

The ecological assessment component must be undertaken by a ‘suitably qualified ecologist’ and staff at Ecosurv meet the strict criteria for this role.

Assessment credits are available under a range of categories, including “Ecology”. The performance of the development is then assessed against each of these categories and an overall score awarded depending on the number of credits achieved.

Habitat Management Plan

Planning authorities often request these plans as a planning condition. It's to ensure your development delivers a Net Gain in biodiversity, as detailed in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) guidelines.  In short, it’s a practical guide for land developers to follow, ensuring a Biodiversity Net Gain is achieved on the site they’re developing. This is achieved by protecting and enhancing existing habitat in addition to creating new habitats appropriate to the site. 

The Plan will include:

  • Habitat enhancements

  • Management of habitats

  • Protected species enhancements

  • Working method statement

  • Monitoring and maintenance requirements

Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA)

A Habitat Regulation Assessment (HRA) is a process that determines whether or not development plans could negatively impact upon designated European sites and their protected natural elements. Recognised sites are protected through the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 throughout the UK.  European sites are categorised into two classifications: Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and Special Protection Areas (SPA).


Development within these site or within their zone of influence, must demonstrate that negative impacts can be screened out or avoided through appropriate assessment and mitigation. Only as a last resort and for reasons of overriding public interest, will a development be permitted where impacts to these protected sites have been identified.

Ecological Clerk of Works (EcOW)

Environmental regulation and planning policy often impose obligations on developers and contractors to protect and enhance biodiversity through their work on construction sites. Out of these obligations comes the need for a professional that can work on site with construction contractors to oversee the management of the risks on construction sites associated with managing biodiversity and can help to ensure a smooth and cost-efficient construction process.

To request a quote, please complete the form and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

Ecosurv Ltd

21 High Green

Great Ayton


01642 724800

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Monday                 9:00am - 5:00pm

Tuesday                 9:00am - 5:00pm

Wednesday          9:00am - 5:00pm

Thursday               9:00am - 5:00pm

Friday                      9:00am - 5:00pm

Saturday                CLOSED

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